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Adverse effects of disciplining by beating

What are the negative effects of discipline hitting a child?

Have you ever hit a child when scolding him?There may be few moms who have never hit a child when scolding. What is the effect of hitting and disciplining a child on the child? In addition, we will introduce in detail how to scold better for children.

Impact on children by hitting

What to do if you understand that corporal punishment is bad for your child's growth, but don't listen to it...Many parents may have doubts about "parenting without hitting". So what are the implications for a beaten child? If parents are emotionally addictive and disciplined, the children may have the following effects:

  • Not only the body but also the heart hurts
  • In many cases, the aggression becomes stronger, and there is a high risk of violence against friends.
  • Can't give in to people and close my heart
  • Fear, rebellion, and hatred of parents are born
  • Often raises violently against their own children

Even if it is a discipline for a child, hitting it has a deep and great effect on the child's mind. And once you hit it, it won't stop. Like narcotics, it can become addictive and escalate.

Corporal punishment has no effect! What is a better way to scold a child?

What kind of measures can parents who are disciplined by hitting and get out of hand can have a positive effect on their children? I will explain two points in detail.Don't hit! Don't yell! Decide in my heartIf you hit your child impulsively, first decide not to hit or yell. If you get angry, take a breath and take some time to calm your urge. And it becomes possible to control the behavior of hitting and yelling.Adults also train to suppress emotionsIf you get out of hand, look back on yourself to see if you are "angry" instead of "scolding" your child. Yelling or intimidating a child with his or her emotions is not scolding, but "angry." On the other hand, scolding is what you do to change your child's trajectory for the better. As with discipline for children, adults can grow together by training them so that they are not emotional. If you still get emotional and angry, you can take some time, and by explaining to your child and apologizing properly, you will be able to build a relationship of trust.

Let's try to raise children without hitting them as much as possible

We have introduced the effects of hitting and disciplining a child on the child. Many parents feel that tapping makes their child quiet, but understand that it's not essential. We recommend that you try to raise your child so that the child can understand right and wrong without hitting it.