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Children's white tongue?! Reasons and Remedies

Is it sickness that causes a child's tongue to whiten? Introducing the cause and remedy

Have you ever wondered, "I feel like my child's tongue is white, but is this a disease?" Children's tongues can cause whitening, ranging from those that can be cared for at home to those that require treatment at the hospital. This time, we will introduce the causes of whitening of the tongue of children, how to deal with it, and guidelines for going to the hospital.

What causes a child's tongue to be white?

Speaking of tongue, it's red. Even so, if a child's tongue is white, it makes me anxious. In fact, it is not uncommon for babies and adults to have a white tongue.For example, in the case of babies, the whitening of the tongue is often due to the accumulation of milk or milk residue. The tongue may also turn white as a sign of poor health.There are many reasons why a child's tongue may turn white, and it may not be necessary to worry too much. However, in some cases, the disease may cause whitening, so it is necessary to carefully observe not only the tongue but also other symptoms. The following factors can cause a child's tongue to become white.① Tongue coating (coated tongue)Many children will brush their teeth but don't care about the dirt on their tongue. If you look closely, the tongue is covered with small protrusions. Waste products such as food debris accumulate on these protrusions, and the tongue may appear white due to the growth of bacteria. It is said that tongue coating is likely to occur when fatigue and stress accumulate, or when the inside of the mouth becomes dry due to mouth breathing due to a stuffy nose caused by a cold. Tongue coating can also cause bad breath.SolutionIt is said that tongue coating does not need to be treated in a hospital. However, it can cause bad breath, so if your child's tongue is white, we recommend cleaning it with a toothbrush. You can also reduce tongue coating by stopping mouth breathing and chewing well to eat.② Streptococcal infectionStreptococcal infection causes pain and red swelling in the throat, a high fever of 38-40 degrees, and the tongue becomes covered with white moss. About 3 days after the fever, the surface of the tongue turns red like a strawberry, and multiple strawberry grains appear.A characteristic of streptococcal infection is a small itchy red rash that appears on the neck and chest and gradually spreads throughout the body. Other symptoms may include headaches, joint pain, and swelling of the lymph in the neck.SolutionIf you have a fever, sore throat, or rash in addition to your white tongue, you may have a streptococcal infection and should see a pediatrician immediately.③ Oral candidiasisIncreased candida in a child's mouth can lead to candida stomatitis. This can occur if you are undernourished and your immune system is weakened, or if your mouth remains unclean.Oral candidiasis can also cause pain in the mouth. Infant children can't express pain well in words, which can lead to loss of appetite and poor mood.SolutionIf you have red, inflamed, erosion, or loss of appetite after wiping the white part of your tongue with clean gauze, you may have oral candidiasis. .. In that case, please go to the hospital as soon as possible.

If you are worried, it is important to consult your doctor!

How was it. This time, I introduced the causes and treatment methods that are suspected when a child's tongue is white. The one introduced here is an example. It can often be difficult for an amateur to determine why a child's tongue is white and treat it at home. In addition, as a result of treatment at your own discretion, the symptoms may worsen. If you have any worrisome symptoms, it is recommended that you first consult your doctor before you become seriously ill.