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COVID-19 on Children?!

What are the symptoms if a child is infected with the new coronavirus (COVID-19)?

A new type of coronavirus infection that still does not fit around the world. Many children are infected. What are the symptoms if my child is infected with the new coronavirus? In this article, we will introduce the symptoms and countermeasures when a child is infected with the new coronavirus.

What are the symptoms of new coronavirus infection in children?

When a child is infected with the new coronavirus, the symptoms are fever and dry cough. It is said that there are relatively few symptoms of upper respiratory tract such as runny nose and stuffy nose like adults, but of course, like adults, fever continues, It seems that cases of pneumonia have also been reported. You may also have gastrointestinal symptoms such as vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea. Younger children, in particular, may have other symptoms because they may not be able to communicate their symptoms well even if they are infected. In addition, if you have a high respiratory rate, breathe on your shoulders, have difficulty breathing, or have a bad color on your lips or face, you may have pneumonia.

Can a child become seriously ill?

Children are also characterized by a lower risk of becoming more severe when infected with the new coronavirus than adults. Coronavirus infections tend to become more severe as we get older. However, it should be noted that children under the age of 2 tend to be relatively heavy. In addition, it is said that if there is a disease such as childhood asthma or an underlying disease, the respiratory condition deteriorates and there is a risk of becoming severe, such as causing pneumonia.

Preventive measures for the new coronavirus

Hand wash

The virus infects through the nose, mouth, and eyes. Children should wash their hands thoroughly as they touch their nose, mouth, and eyes with their hands touching various places. Instead of just washing, wash your hands thoroughly with soap or hand soap for 15 to 30 seconds. It is also important to remember to wash your wrists and back of your hands and wash them off thoroughly. Wash it thoroughly with your child and for infants so that moms and dads don't leave behind.


The new coronavirus is said to be not only a droplet infection with coughing and coughing, but also a contact infection with pathogen-contaminated objects and filth. Masks are still effective, considering that you can get infected by touching your mouth or mucous membranes with your hands that have touched the new coronavirus.


Since the virus loves to dry, just moisturizing the throat and trachea, where the virus tends to adhere, with a drink can be a preventive measure. In addition, cold drinks cool the body, so plain hot water is recommended. Instead of drinking a lot at once, be conscious of keeping your throat moisturized.

Enough rest

It is important to get enough sleep, a well-balanced diet, and boost your immunity. Infants should have a regular rhythm of life, especially naps, snacks, and bath times. If you continue to go out, you will get tired both physically and mentally, so take some time to relax.

Avoid places where large numbers of people gather

There are no reports on the ground that children are prone to becoming severely ill, but because children are curious and touch anything, there is a good chance of infection. As the air dries, the virus can spread more easily, so avoid places where large numbers of people gather, especially indoors.

If you have been infected with Covid-19...

As mentioned earlier, the symptoms of coronavirus infection in children are often fever, dry cough, runny nose, and gastrointestinal symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea. In addition, it is said that children have almost no symptoms of dysgeusia and olfactory dysfunction, which are the characteristics of the new coronavirus. Therefore, if you have a cold symptom such as fever or diarrhea, it is important to suspect that it may be a new type of coronavirus.

Check the infection status around you and observe the condition of your child. If you have symptoms such as difficulty breathing, pale complexion, not eating, lack of energy, or feeling tired, see a medical institution. Also, if you have a fever or have a continuous cough even if you are relatively healthy, see a doctor.