Anyone can easily do it! How to soften period pains and menstrual pains

Do you think that it is normal for you to have menstrual cramps and spend your days putting up with it? Symptoms during and before menstruation vary from person to person, and some people can continue to work as usual during menstruation, while others say that if they do not take painkillers every month, they will interfere with their daily lives.There are two types of menstrual pain that require treatment at the hospital and those that can be treated by improving lifestyle habits. This time, we will introduce the abnormalities and symptoms of menstrual pain and how to relieve menstrual pain.

About abnormalities and symptoms of menstrual pain

Pain in the lower abdomen and weight in the lower back during menstruation are due to blood stagnation around the uterus. If you have lower abdominal pain on the first or second day of menstruation, but it is not enough to take painkillers and there is no particular problem with school or work, be careful not to cool your body, stretch, etc. Let's try to improve blood circulation by doing light exercise.Abnormal menstrual pain is suspected when the pain is so severe that it interferes with daily activities or requires several painkillers to be taken each time. If you have to fall asleep every time you have menstruation and have to take a break from school or work, the painkillers that used to work are no longer working, or the painkillers are working for a shorter period of time. Be careful. If the pain increases year by year or if you have pain other than menstruation, you may need to see a gynecologist because the disease that causes menstrual pain may be progressing.

How to relieve menstrual cramps

1. Warm the body

One of the causes of worsening menstrual pain and menstrual pain is poor blood circulation due to cold body. During menstruation, changes in hormones lower the body temperature, so it is said that even people who do not usually feel cold tend to get cold. It is important to warm your body by wrapping a blanket around your abdomen.

2. Spend in a posture that relieves menstrual pain

When your stomach hurts due to menstrual cramps, your body tends to become tense and your back tends to curl up. I'm sure some people are worried about menstrual bleeding leaks and have put a lot of effort into their legs and abdomen. This will cause poor blood circulation. Ideally, you should be in the best possible posture, try to relax, and when you are sitting, open your legs to the side and sit with your pelvis upright, like riding a horse.Also, if you have pain in your period and cannot sleep, it is recommended to sleep sideways. Bending your knees and curling your back a little will relieve tension in your abdomen. If you are concerned about pressure on your shoulders or face, place a cushion on one side of your back and lie on your back a little to disperse your center of gravity and make it easier.

3. Exercise moderately

If you have a small amount of muscle, you will not be able to produce heat and your body will get cold easily, and the pumping action of the muscles to the blood vessels will be weakened, resulting in poor blood circulation. By properly ingesting high-quality protein and exercising moderately, it is possible to maintain muscle mass and improve blood circulation. It may not be effective immediately, but it is a good idea to get into the habit of doing light exercise such as walking and stretching every day as a basic measure against cold.

4. Eat food that warms your body

Foods that cool the body include refined foods such as white rice and white sugar, vegetables such as tomatoes and cucumbers that can be grown on the ground, passion fruit that can be harvested in hot regions and hot seasons, and junk food. If you are aware that it is easy to get cold, try to avoid these foods as much as possible.On the other hand, foods that warm the body are unrefined foods such as brown rice and brown sugar, fermented foods, root crops that can be found in the soil, and foods that can be harvested in cold regions and seasons. For example, ginger is a typical food that warms the body, so it is recommended to take it positively, such as using it in daily cooking or drinking hot water containing ginger instead of coffee.

5. Stimulates pressure points to relieve menstrual cramps

Acupuncture points, which are said to be effective for menstrual pain and symptoms peculiar to women, are scattered on the abdomen, the back of the knees, and the ankles. One of the easiest things to do during desk work or commuting is to press the acupoints under the belly button and in your hand. Acupuncture points that are effective for menstrual pain are concentrated on the line directly below Oheso, so it is good to warm them, gently press them with your fingers, or rub them.There are also acupuncture points at the intersection of the index finger and thumb of the hand, so it is a good idea to gently stimulate the area where you feel comfortable along the bones of the index finger.How was it. Here are five easy ways to relieve menstrual cramps. There are many ways you can deal with it without resorting to medicine, so give it a try. However, if your period pain is still unbearable, your illness may be hidden and you should take medicine or see a doctor.


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