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Essential Nutrients for Brain Development

A child's brain development is determined by food!?? Five nutrients essential for brain development

It can be said that raising a wise child = raising a wise brain. So do you know what foods and nutrients you need to grow a smart brain? What diets and nutrients should I eat for brain growth? A good diet is essential for children who grow rapidly, not just for brain growth. There is a deep connection between brain growth and food, and what you eat is important. Know the nutrients that make your brain smart and grow your child's brain with a daily diet.

90% of the brain is developed by the age of 6

It is said that our brain grows rapidly between the ages of 3 and 3 years old, and is 90% complete by the age of 6. After that, it is almost completed at the age of 12. During this time, it is important to get good nutrition that supports the growth of the brain in order to make a smart brain.

Nutrients essential for brain development

So what kind of nutrients should we take to build a smart brain? From here, we will introduce the nutrients necessary for brain growth. Incorporate it into your daily diet to support your child's brain growth.DHA / EPA important for the brainKnown as smart nutrients, DHA and EPA have the effect of promoting the growth of nerve cells in the brain. It's a nutrient that your body can't make, so be sure to take it from your diet. Ingredients rich in these are fish such as tuna, sardines, mackerel, and saury.Even if I know that fish is good, my child won't eat it. Alternatively, some households may not have the opportunity to make a meal menu because cooking is a hassle. In such cases, try using foods such as canned foods and fish sausages.Protein that is the source of muscle40% of the brain is made up of protein, which is one of the essential nutrients for the brain. Proteins are also a source of neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are substances that exchange information in the brain, and it is thought that increasing this will improve memory and thinking ability. Ingredients high in protein include meat, fish, soybeans, eggs, milk and cheese.Calcium that strengthens bonesCalcium, which strengthens bones, is also a necessary nutrient. Growing children need 2-3 times more calcium than adults. Calcium is abundant in milk, yogurt, cheese and small fish.Iron that is the source of bloodIron, which is the source of blood that carries nutrients throughout the body, is also important. It is said that it is necessary 2-3 times more than adults. It is abundant in lean meat, pork, clams, eggs, etc., so take it positively.Glucose, the energy for the brainGlucose is a source of energy for the brain. The brain cannot use nutrients other than glucose as energy and continues to consume it during sleep. It is important to take each meal properly, as lack of glucose can cause irritation and loss of concentration.However, foodstuffs such as white sugar whose blood sugar level rises sharply put a heavy burden on the body. Avoid sweets and juices that are high in sugar, as they can cause obesity. The point is to choose ingredients that are slowly absorbed into the body after meals and slowly raise blood sugar levels. Recommended ingredients include brown rice, rice with mixed grains, rye bread, and sweet potatoes.

Let's enjoy eating with both parents and children

We have introduced nutrients that are good for brain growth, but there may be times when your child does not eat them even though you have made them. Instead of trying to eat everything from the beginning, try to create a fun eating environment first. To do this, it is important for the whole family to enjoy a conversation while eating. Asking your child to help you with simple cooking can also be a catalyst for your interest in eating. Let's grow the brain with daily meals while having fun with parents and children.