Growth and Characteristics of a 4 months old Baby

What are the characteristics of a 4-month-old baby? Let's know what to be careful of

How old is a 4-month-old baby? It is a time when the neck responds to stimuli from the surroundings, such as holding up one's head and turning to the voice. As a mom, it's a good time to feel the growth of your baby, but there are more points to be aware of, such as accidents. Learn the following characteristics of a 4-month-old baby and watch your growth safely.

Height and weight of a 4-month-old baby

Boy / Height 59.9-68.5cm Weight 5.7-8.7kg

Girl / Height 58.2-66.8 cm Weight 5.4-8.2 kg

* For Japanese

This is the normal height and weight of a 4 month old baby. You can see that there is a big difference in height and weight depending on the baby. The way you grow depends on your baby. It's okay if you're definitely taller and heavier than last month. Don't rush and watch your baby grow.

6 characteristics of a 4-month-old baby

At the age of four months, the neck sits so that you can hold it vertically and become interested in external stimuli as your eyesight and hearing develop. The longer you stay awake during the day, the more time you spend playing, so you will see, hear, touch, and learn about various things. Also, by playing with people close to you, your baby will feel affection and have a richer facial expression. However, you need to be careful about your safety as more and more people will be curious and will actually work.

1. The neck sits

At the age of 4 months, the baby's neck sits and the adult becomes stable without supporting the baby's head. The baby's development will be in the order of the upper body to the lower body, and you will be able to turn your head and lift it by yourself. To check if your neck is sitting or not, check if you can lift your neck from face down or if you pull your hands on your back (face up) and your neck will come to you. Even if your neck sits down, treat it carefully for about a month.

2. Time to prepare for turning over

Four-month-old babies develop motor function in the back and lower back, and begin to practice turning over. While moving your body, you will be able to remember the points and turn over. Sometimes you can't turn over because you don't know how to use your body, so if you support it, you will be able to do it smoothly. Make sure you have enough space to turn over. If you can't turn over yourself, you may suffocate, so be careful.

3. Responds well to voice and sound

Babies react visually and audibly by staring at people and things around them and turning to the direction of their voice and sound. More and more people are interested in knowing the outside world from their senses of sight and hearing. It recognizes the face of the parent and reacts with a dandle, and the expression becomes richer, such as laughing aloud or going for a walk and having fun. In addition, anger and sadness will be expressed by the emotional expression of "crying", and the will will be expressed by the difference in crying voice.

4. You will be able to touch and grab things

Four-month-old babies will be able to grab things. Follow your eyes to find what you are interested in, reach out and grab, grab, or move what you grab to play. Around this time, finger sucking also begins. Shake to make a sound or put it in your mouth to stimulate your senses. Prepare a toy that is easy for your baby to grab and lick. Since you play with toys in your hand, it is safe to choose a material that does not hurt your face when you drop it.

5. Laugh to their surroundings

If you are healed while recognizing the faces of babies and people close to you, you will start to laugh aloud. When the adults around the baby turn to love, the baby will feel it too. The feeling of seeing, listening, and touching becomes richer, so it's fun to play while watching various things. Your sensibilities will grow and you will be able to see various facial expressions. So, let's enjoy playing with things around us and say a lot of words.

6. Drool increases

As digestive functions such as salivary glands develop, the amount of drool increases considerably. Also, when moms and dads are eating something, some babies may stare at them with a coveted face or move their mouths to imitate them. We haven't made any special preparations for the start of baby food, but the best preparation is to show moms and dads eating deliciously.

Watch out for 4-month-old babies

Four-month-old babies are at increased risk as their necks sit down, they can turn over, and they begin to take an interest in their surroundings. Gripping, licking, biting (bite) ... Also, when you can turn over, accidents such as accidental ingestion, suffocation, falls, and burns will increase. Check that there are no dangerous items in your mouth within the reach of your baby.

For example, coins, buttons, cigarettes, keys, batteries, magnets, pens, erasers, rings, bouncy balls, chopsticks, skewers, nuts, candies ... these are all things that babies can easily swallow. Pay particular attention to anything that is at baby's eye level. Place anything that is dangerous to put in your mouth at a height of 1 meter or more that is out of the reach of your baby. Also, most babies are sitting on their necks around this time, so lying on their backs lifts their necks firmly, but lying on their back with a soft duvet can lead to choking accidents in some cases. Be careful enough.

4 months after birth is the time when the world of babies expands

A four-month-old baby grows faster and has more to learn. With the joy of growth, there are more points to pay attention to, and mom's worries also increase. Understand that there are individual differences in growth and what you should be aware of, and watch your baby grow.


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