Growth and characteristics of a two month old baby

Let's get to know these newbie moms! Growth and characteristics of a two month old baby

When a baby is two months old, various changes occur, such as active movement, changes in facial expressions, and increased breastfeeding, so the points of care will change as the baby grows. So this time, I would like to introduce the growth and characteristics of a two-month-old baby.

Height and weight of a two month old baby

Two-month-old babies drink a lot of milk and it's time to start accelerating their growth. What is the average height and weight at the age of 2 months?Boy / Height 54.5-63.2cm Weight 4.4-7.2kgGirl / Height 53.3-61.7cm Weight 4.2-6.7kg※in Japan's caseHowever, this number is a statistical value, so it does not mean that it is not normal unless it is within this range. What is important is the growth rate from birth. The growth of babies varies greatly from person to person, so if you are growing up as a baby, you probably don't need to worry.

Sleeping time of a 2 month old baby

Two-month-old babies sleep 14 to 15 hours a day. Some babies wake up longer during the day and take less time and less naps than before. Sleep rhythms are adjusted around the age of 4 months, but if day and night seem to be reversed, make a break in your life and encourage them to adjust their rhythms.Just by basking in the sun in the morning and daytime and darkening the room at night, the rhythm of life will naturally be adjusted. Don't be too nervous and stay close to your baby's pace.

Characteristics of a 2-month-old baby

By the age of two months, the bones become inconspicuous and round, and large wrinkles are noticeable on the wrists and ankles. As they grow older, their muscles gradually build up, allowing them to move their necks to the left and right and raise their limbs, and some children thrash around when laid down.Also, compared to when I was one month old, I'm more likely to speak out and laugh. The neck muscles are attached, and if you hold it vertically, you will try to support your neck by yourself, but since the hold up one's head is still a little ahead, let's support the neck area with an adult's hand.

■ Main features of a 2-month-old baby

You will be able to followThe expression becomes richThe neck area gradually becomes firmer, and when you lie on one's face, you try to lift your head.Poop (poo) can be accumulated in the intestine and the number of defecations is reduced.Babblings such as "Ah" and "Wu" appearYou will cry differently depending on your desiresThe amount of saliva increases

The amount of breast milk and milk you drink varies from person to person

Compared to other babies' ways of drinking, I'm worried that "my child doesn't drink at all" and "Is my child drinking too much?", But when I weigh it, it's about 25g a day. It is said that there is no problem if you gain weight. However, babies who drink too much milk are a little worried. If you drink more than 1000ml a day, try reducing the dose or changing your baby bottle nipple to something you can drink slowly.

Communication with babies becomes more fun in the first two months of life

Two months after birth is a fun time as the baby's facial expressions and reactions become more and more rich. Let's play a lot while valuing parent-child communication. In addition, around the age of two months, moms are more likely to get sick due to the tiredness of childbirth and childcare that they have accumulated so far. Let's never overdo it. It would be nice if you could enjoy childcare while having a proper rest with the cooperation of her surroundings.


When you're Children are focused Watch them quietly, to Improve concentration! [YOU are the best MOM] vol.18
