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Introducing "depression" self-checking and coping methods

Childcare and housework, the life of a busy mom every day. You may get frustrated by your cute child, feel sad, or get tired both physically and mentally. In addition to childcare stress and childcare fatigue, women's hormonal balance changes after childbirth. Therefore, it is said that men are twice as likely to suffer from depression. This time, we will introduce self-checks for depression and how to deal with them.There are different types of depression during childbirth and childcareThere are three main types of depression during childbirth and childcare: "maternity blue," "postpartum depression," and "child-rearing depression.""Maternity blue"Caused by the imbalance of hormones during pregnancy and childbirth, and is experienced by many moms. Generally, it is said to be a transient one that appears within 10 days after giving birth and improves in about 2 weeks."Postpartum depression" Develops within 1 to 2 weeks to several months after childbirth, and the symptoms may last for up to a year. It is said that 1 to 2 people wake up in 10 people, so it is very familiar to anyone."Parenting depression"And the most worrisome thing, Depressive symptoms caused by child-rearing stress and changes in the environment are not transient and require treatment.What Causes Parenting Depression?After pregnancy and childbirth, the hormonal balance changes significantly, and the resistance of the brain to withstand stress may decrease. In addition, lack of sufficient sleep time due to breastfeeding, etc., and reduction of sleep time due to housework, childcare, work, etc. also increase stress. Even if you are not after childbirth, your brain will overheat if you are stressed by unfamiliar childcare or changes in the environment. It's not a "personality problem", but a state in which the brain is dysfunctional, which makes people more likely to take things badly or negatively.If you think "I have to do it because I am a mother" and "I have to do my best" and hold it alone, it will lead to depression.Parenting depression checklistFirst, check for any of the following: This is often the case, and caution is required if the symptoms persist for more than 2 weeks.

  • Feel sad, depressed, depressed
  • No matter what I do, I'm not interested and it's not fun
  • Easy to get tired and tired
  • Lose appetite
  • I'm not motivated to do anything
  • I have trouble falling asleep and wake up early in the morning
  • I don't want to meet people
  • I feel sick in the morning than in the evening
  • I can't get my worries out of my head
  • It's hard to recover from failure and sadness
  • Blame yourself and feel worthless

Parenting depression. How to deal with parenting fatigueIt is important to be aware of your own stress care so that you do not become "child-rearing depression". There are some pre-emptive measures for parenting depression. Let's deal with it early to get rid of the painful feelings.Raise a child by not working too hardOne of the reasons for parenting depression is that you work too hard. Parenting is a series of happenings, and it is impossible to respond perfectly to everything that happens. Let's admit that we are doing our best.Let's talk to people and spit it out to make it easierIf you are worried alone, you may have a little trouble in your head and your worries may get bigger. Often, just talking to someone can help you organize your thoughts and make her feel better. You don't have to worry about conflicts or irritation, just talk to someone you can talk to, such as your family and friends, and spit it out.Make your own timeGet away from your kids and make your own time. By spending time away from your child, you can face your child with a refreshed feeling. You don't have to feel guilty about leaving your child. It's important to make time on a regular basis, so get your dad and parents to help.If you are worried about parenting depression, let's talk immediately!Parenting depression can be anyone. Changes in the environment and lifestyles due to child-rearing do not always go as planned, and it is natural that stress builds up. The most important thing is not to have the trouble of raising a child alone. If you feel worried about your symptoms, immediately consult with the people around you or your medical institution. Of course, children are important, but also yourself, who is the only one in the world.