Is weight management important during pregnancy? Ideal weight gain and management points
"Eat as much as the baby in your stomach." That was an old story. Now, overeating and overweight is not good for the mother or the baby in the stomach. Too thin and diet is NG. So how much weight should a baby gain to grow healthy? Introducing the ideal weight gain and weight management points during pregnancy to prevent troubles and illnesses.What is the ideal way to gain weight?Although there are differences depending on the original body shape, the ideal way to increase is generally 0.3 to 0.5 kg per week for pregnant women with "underweight" and "normal" body shapes. Violent ups and downs are not desirable, and it is better to increase in a gentle curve. Be careful if you add more than 0.5kg a week. In order to know the proper weight for you, it is necessary to check your BMI (Body Mass Index) in advance.Upper limit of weight gainThe upper limit of weight gain during pregnancy is based on your pre-pregnancy weight. It can be calculated by the internationally recognized body mass index [BMI = weight kg ÷ (height m) ²], so be sure to know your own value. For example, for a person with a weight of 52 kg and a height of 160 cm (1.6 m), BMI = 52 ÷ 1.6 ÷ 1.6 = 20.32.BMI value less than 18.5: Weight before pregnancy is thin. Estimated weight gain is about 9-12 kg.BMI value 18.5 to less than 25: Weight before pregnancy is standard. The standard for weight gain is about 7 to 12 kg.If the BMI value is 25 or more: Individual correspondence (consult a doctor)However, just because your BMI is within the proper range, you should not gain weight at once, such as gaining more than 0.5 kg per week. Sudden weight gain increases the risk of pregnancy-induced hypertension. be careful.Be especially careful if you are overweight during pregnancyIf you gain too much weight during pregnancy, you are at increased risk of problems such as gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, giant baby delivery, atonic bleeding, and caesarean section. .. Some people are prone to gestational diabetes and preeclampsia depending on their constitution, but in some cases it can be prevented by proper diet and calorie intake. Also, if you have any of these illnesses, it is important to review your treatment and lifestyle as soon as possible. Please be careful not to be overweight during pregnancy and manage your weight in detail.Points for weight management during pregnancyEven if you realize that you need to manage your weight during pregnancy, you may be wondering what to look out for. Below, we will introduce the points of weight management during pregnancy. Please use it for weight management during pregnancy.Manage your weight with your dietThe daily energy intake required for a pre-pregnant adult woman is around 2,000 kcal. When you become pregnant, you need to increase your energy intake for your baby. The guideline is plus 50 kcal per day in the first trimester, plus 250 kcal in the second trimester, and plus 450 kcal in the second trimester. Intake is important, but diet is even more important. Keep the amount of sweets and carbohydrates as usual, and increase your energy intake with vegetables, fruits, meat, and fish.Maintain weight with light exerciseIf you are pregnant and have a good course, light exercise is also recommended to maintain your weight. Moderate physical activity such as walking, maternity yoga, and stretching will improve blood circulation, and can be expected to prevent or improve neck and shoulder stiffness (stiff shoulders) and low back pain. However, some moms should refrain from exercising if they have a chronic disease or are at risk of a threatened premature labor, so consult your doctor.Reduce stress and don't gain weightDuring pregnancy, due to the effects of female hormones, you tend to get stressed by feeling depressed or not being able to sleep well. Some moms will eat more because of stress relief. Take a walk or take a relaxing bath to reduce stress.Enjoy your maternity life while managing your weight
Weight management during pregnancy is important for mom and two babies. I want to manage my weight well while recording my daily weight and being aware of my diet and exercise.However, even if you know the importance of weight management during pregnancy and do your best, it may not work. Please enjoy your maternity life while taking a break so as not to get stressed.