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HANKOUKIThe age at which boys respond to whatever they say. Many parents are more concerned about how to deal with their children because they are more likely to engage in violent behaviors than girls. First of all, I will explain why there is a child who does not respond at the beginning of the reproductive age.When does the retrospective age begin?Boys generally revolted around the fourth grade.It erupted immediately with repetitive words.During the rebellion, the boys were abusive and abusive. They engage in rebellious behavior. According to some mothers who actually experienced their son's rebellion, about 60 percent of them experienced rebellious behavior.Some boys throw things at each other. Destruction; They can be used to relieve resentment and anger.I learned to hide in the room without listening!Unlike violent attitudes, some boys tend to hide in the room and disobey, and even if they live in the same house, there will be less opportunity for family reunions.In addition, there are many mothers who feel that they do not understand the feelings of their sons because some boys even ignore their mother's presence.When it comes to rebellion, mothers may be upset because boys' attitudes change so quickly. But listening to your concerns or shouting at them can make your relationship worse.Do not interfere too much!Excessive interference during boys' rebellion is bad. Since rebellion is a time of upheaval, excessive interference can have counterproductive consequences. It is important to take care of a boy from the Rebellion period from a suitable shelter.Respect your child's thinking to a certain extent and only tease him in an emergency.#knowledgetreasurebyHAJIMARIMOM