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My Kid Just Keep Playing Games All Day Long...! How should I make Rules so that it doesn't happen?

In modern times, there are various game consoles. Nowadays, there are many game apps on smartphones, so children will have many opportunities to come into contact with games. As a parent, you're worried that your child may be too absorbed in the game and stop studying. This time, we will introduce how to decide the game rules for children, examples, and what to do if they do not follow the rules.Points when deciding the rules of the game with childrenGames have the advantage of becoming a communication tool between children and increasing creativity. However, if they are too absorbed in the game, they may not be able to study. Playing a game is not a bad thing if the kids can play according to the rules. So the first thing you should do is make a promise before you buy the game that they should follow this rule and give it to your child after they understand it. Please refer to the following 3 steps for the points when deciding the rules.Step 1: Communicate the danger of the gameThe first thing that comes to mind is the risk of becoming addicted. Also be worried about the effects on their eyes and brain. Depending on the content of the game, it can be violent, cruel, or even detrimental. When connecting to the Internet with smartphone games, you must also be careful about the billing system. Make sure your child understands that these dangers are very worrisome.Step 2: Make the child think hardAfter talking about the dangers, let your child think about it. And let's listen carefully. Now determine how well your child understands the dangers. Based on that, let's decide what kind of rules should be made.Step 3: Parents and children discuss and decide rulesDiscuss the conditions of the game rules with your child, ask them to think "How long is the time limit for the day?" And "What if you can't keep it?", And let the child decide the rules as much as possible. However, do not accept the sweet conditions as they are, such as wanting to do it for 3 hours a day. The reason why it is better to let children decide the rules is that it can be expected that the psychological effect "commitment" that people can easily achieve the goals and promises that they have declared in public or decided by themselves will work. is.Examples of children's game rulesWhat kind of rules do other households have? Here are some examples.

  • 1 hour on weekdays, up to 1 hour 30 minutes on holidays
  • Be sure to finish your homework before playing the game
  • When playing games, within the range that parents can see, such as in the living room.
  • Forfeiture and reduce game time if test scores and grades are poor

What to do if your kids don't follow the game rulesIf the child does not follow the rules and takes too strict measures such as scolding immediately, the relationship of trust with the child will be shaken. However, if you allow "a little bit" every time, you will spoil your child and it will not be good for them. I will teach you a good solution if you do not follow the rules.Calmly search for the cause and deal with itIf you don't follow the rules, find out the cause first. For example, when people are focused, it is difficult to feel the passage of time, so time may be exceeded without noticing it. Also, depending on the content of the game, it may not end without recording (saving) the content of the game. If you often inadvertently exceed the time, it is recommended to set an alarm about 5 minutes before the end time. For games such as RPG games where it is difficult to make a break, it is a good idea to make a habit of checking the time when saving in the middle.In short, instead of scolding them for not following the rules immediately, let's calmly analyze why they didn't follow them.On top of that, we should prepare a new mechanism to prevent this from happening.Let's prepare an environment where you can enjoy games safelyAs I wrote at the beginning, games are completely integrated into our daily lives, and if we let our children play games as they like, they will neglect their studies and get involved in crime without their parents' knowledge. It is also true that there is a possibility. I think it is important for parents and children to firmly recognize such dangers, set rules firmly, and create an environment where children can enjoy games safely.