Skincare with food!
Improving mommies' skin with foodPostpartum moms tend to be left behind in the skincare department because they are struggling to balance childcare and housework that they are not accustomed to. Especially when it comes to cosmetology, it can be difficult to get enough care. Rough skin is one of the most common problems for postpartum moms. If your skin gets rough, you may not be able to make up well or look in the mirror.For moms who are having trouble with rough skin, why not review not only skincare but also the foods you usually eat? Rough skin and food have a lot to do with each other! Introducing recommended & avoidable foods and drinks to improve skin problems. Let's take good care from the inside and aim for beautiful skin.What causes rough skin?Why does troubled rough skin occur? One possible cause is a decrease in the barrier function of the skin. In normal skin, the barrier function of the stratum corneum protects the skin from irritation due to moisture. However, when the barrier function of the skin deteriorates, it becomes more susceptible to external stimuli, causing rough skin such as acne, itchiness, and dryness.Recommended foods for rough skinFruitsVitamin C contained in fruits is an essential vitamin for collagen production. In addition, it works to suppress the production of melanin, which is useful for sunburn prevention. Vitamin C cannot be made by the body, so take it consciously from your daily diet.Eggs, Green and yellow vegetablesVitamin A, found in green and yellow vegetables such as carrots, pumpkins and broccoli, helps maintain healthy skin and mucous membranes. Vitamin A, after being absorbed, sticks to protein and is transported to where it is needed in the body, so be sure to take the protein source along with the green and yellow vegetables.Lever. fish. meatIn order to condition the skin, it is important to take B vitamins, which help maintain the rhythm of turnover and maintain the health of the skin. Red fish such as bonito and tuna are rich in vitamin B6. It helps the metabolism of amino acids and regulates the turnover rhythm. In addition, vitamin B2 contained in the liver helps maintain the health of the skin and regenerates cells.AlmondVitamin E, which is abundant in almonds, is an antioxidant vitamin. It protects the skin from active oxygen that damages cells and causes wrinkles and blemishes. This active oxygen increases due to stress and ultraviolet rays. Antioxidants decrease with age, so be aware of foods that contain vitamin E.NG food
Sweets that contain a lot of sugarSweets that are high in sugar increase the secretion of sebum, so it is a food that you should avoid when you are concerned about rough skin. If you can't stand it, take vitamin B and vitamin C to increase metabolism before and after that.Fried food and junk foodAvoid greasy fried foods and junk foods as they can cause rough skin.Recommended drinks for rough skin
Green TeaGreen tea contains a type of polyphenol, catechin. It has antioxidant properties and helps prevent blemishes, wrinkles and sagging. In addition, it also contains vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C, etc., so it is also recommended for creating beautiful skin.Tomato juiceTomato juice contains lycopene, which has antioxidant properties. Recommended for aging care and skin beautification. Tomato juice may contain salt, so don't drink too much. It is also good to use for cooking as it increases the absorption rate when heated.Soy milkSoy isoflavones contained in soy milk support the adjustment of hormone balance and contribute to the creation of beautiful skin.Plain hot waterPlain hot water has the functions of adjusting the gastrointestinal condition and warming the body to increase metabolism.NG drink
Caffeine and alcoholAvoid drinks that contain caffeine or alcohol as much as possible. Alcohol causes dryness and irritation of the skin. Too much caffeine can irritate the skin and adversely affect sleep.