When does a child sleep by himself?

The effect of co-sleeping with a child and the timing of separating the bedroom

Is it better to sleep with the child or to separate the bedroom from the child? When you think about your child's future, you're wondering which one is better. This time, I will introduce the effect of sleeping with a child and the time when it is better to separate the bedroom from the child.

Effects obtained by co-sleeping

I think it is a happy time for moms and dads to be able to sleep while looking at their children's sleeping faces. In fact, the way a child sleeps in his childhood has a great influence on development and parent-child relationships. The effects and benefits of co-sleeping are as follows.

  • You can respond immediately when your baby cries
  • Chance for more skin-ship
  • Gives a sense of security
  • Build a relationship of trust

Being able to hug, milk, and take skin-ships as soon as your baby cries is very good for your child's development. Especially when the child is a baby, and he still can't speak well. Therefore, skin-ship is especially important at such times.Co-sleeping is also very good for your baby to grow up in good health, as it allows mom's skin to come into contact with the baby's skin. Through such skin-to-skin skin-ship, the relationship of trust will deepen. In addition, sleeping with mom gives a sense of security, and some children can sleep well during the night.In addition, not only babies and children, but also moms are stimulated by skin-ship and secrete a hormone called dopamine that gives them a feeling of satisfaction, which reduces anxiety and irritation and helps prevent postpartum depression. Co-sleeping has a positive effect on moms as well.

When to make a children's bedroom?

So far, I've explained the benefits of bed-sharing, but of course, I can't keep sleeping with my child all the time. Someday it's time to separate the bedroom from the child. From here, I will introduce the timing of making a bedroom for children.When the child's body grows and is ready to sleep aloneIt is "when the child's physique grows" and "when the child is ready to sleep alone". By preparing a bedroom for children, children who have grown up will be able to sleep soundly both physically and mentally without feeling any pain.Until they get used to it, sleep together until your child sleepsSleeping alone, which greatly affects the independence of children. What kind of support should mom give so that she can sleep smoothly by herself?Until they get used to it, you may sleep with the kids your bed only until they fall asleep. Sit next to their bed and read a picture book or talk about the events of the day. Communication that conveys the feeling that "I have to sleep alone, but I love you" can give the child a sense of security.Also, if you feel uneasy in a different situation than usual, don't overdo it and sleep together. At the beginning, you may want to make a day to sleep with your bed about once a week. Children will get used to it and will be able to sleep alone.

Supporting children's feelings of "let's sleep alone"

If you don't know if your child wants to sleep alone, why not set the time to prepare your child's bedroom at the age of 4 when your body grows bigger? However, what I want to be careful about at this time is that until the age of 5, it is an important time to gain the experience of being very loved by moms, dads, and people close to you and being very valuable, and to form attachments. It is If you can form this attachment firmly, your mind will be stable, and even when you grow up, you will be able to face difficulties and continue to do your best. It is important that the child does not feel "rejected by the parent" when sleeping alone by the age of five.If your child returns from the bedroom after saying "sleep alone", don't blame him, but let's acknowledge and praise him for his hard work and feelings. By repeating such experiences, the independence of the child is gradually promoted.4 or 5 years old is a general guideline, and there are differences in growth depending on the child. Please properly grasp the timing when you think your child has begun to become independent, and support your child's feelings of "let's sleep alone".


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