When does breast milk come?

Does breast milk come out soon after giving birth? How to stabilize breastfeeding and when to end it

Are you worried that "I thought I would get breast milk when I gave birth, but I couldn't get it..."? If you don't get the milk you want after giving birth, you may feel anxious or impatient. Not much milk is secreted immediately after childbirth. This time, I would like to introduce the timing of breastfeeding and the points to stabilize breastfeeding.

When does breast milk come out?

For moms who are about to give birth, they are wondering when breast milk will come out.Individual differences in the timing of breast milk productionThere are individual differences in the timing of breast milk production. In general, many people will come out about 2 to 5 days after the baby is born. However, some moms say that they are breastfeeding immediately after giving birth, while others say that they are finally breastfeeding a few weeks after giving birth. There are individual differences in the timing of milk production, so don't worry if you don't get milk right away.When will the amount of milk stabilize?It is generally said that the process of producing breast milk stabilizes about 10 days after delivery. After that, the amount of milk will gradually increase, and the secretion will often stabilize 2 to 4 weeks after giving birth.However, there are conditions to stabilize milk production from this time. This is because the amount of milk produced by the breast is determined by how much the baby drinks when breastfeeding and how much milk is excreted. In other words, the amount of milk produced by each of the left and right breasts depends on how much milk was discharged from the breast during the previous feeding (or milking). Therefore, it is important to get your baby to drink well in order to stabilize milk production and maintain sufficient milk production at all times.

Measures you can take to increase milk production and stabilize

It turned out that there is no need to rush because there are individual differences in when the milk starts to come out and when the milk volume stabilizes. However, many moms want to increase and stabilize their milk production as soon as possible in order to stabilize their milking. Here are some steps you can take to increase and stabilize your milk production.Breastfeed as much as your baby wantsThe stimulus that your baby sucks on your breasts increases the amount of milk. On the contrary, if the number of breastfeeding is small, the stimulation to the breast will be reduced. Therefore, to stabilize the amount of milk, try to breastfeed as much as your baby wants.Be careful about your diet and hydrationThink about your daily diet and fluid intake to stabilize your milk production. A diet high in fat and sugar are greatly related to the amount of milk. Let's take action so that we have a nutritionally balanced diet. Moisture is essential for breast milk. When drinking water, it is important to drink water in detail, not in bulk.Be careful not to get coldWhen a mom's body is cold, blood flow is poor and the amount of milk tends to be low. Many people have experienced cold limbs due to the air conditioner cooling in the hot season. Try to keep your body cool, such as wearing socks and avoiding exposing your skin.

Breast milk varies from person to person, so don't rush

Many moms are worried because they are having difficulty getting milk or the amount of milk is not stable. Just as there are individual differences in the time when breast milk begins to come out, there are individual differences in the time when the amount of milk stabilizes, so let's continue breastfeeding with a relaxed feeling without rushing. Or, try to live a regular life on a regular basis, and spend as much fun as possible while breastfeeding while giving yourself time to relax.


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