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🎓Wisdom from Japanese education 🎓vol.10When the Japanese start primary school, the students clean up after each class after school. Not only the classrooms but also the school corridors and toilets were cleaned and returned.School cleaning culture in Japan is said to have two original sources.The first is from traditional Japanese sports and arts, such as swordsmanship and calligraphy. The focus is on keeping your training grounds clean and before and after training to keep your mind clean.The second is Buddhism. Studying Buddhism in Japan 「First, stand still; The second is worship. The third is the study of the scriptures.The first one represents cleaning. From these points, in practicing arahants, reading the scriptures, Cleaning is a higher priority than studying the scriptures.Due to these factors, cleaning in schools has become commonplace in Japan.School cleaning is said to have the effect of not only becoming a person who loves cleanliness and beauty, but also building a sense of "cooperation" with others and "compassion" for others who will use the space. This gesture alone is not something that can be expected to have an immediate effect on the first cleaning, but the daily cleaning on school days will add to the feeling of 'cooperation' and 'compassion'.The practice of cleaning schools in Japan is now spreading to countries such as Singapore and Egypt.In Myanmar, too, you can expect a variety of effects if cleaning is seen as an education that fills the hearts of children, rather than as something that should be done by those who work there.#WisdomfromJapaneseeducation