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Working moms in japan vol.3This time, we will introduce the normal midday schedule for working mothers in Japan.🤱🏻 Daily schedule6:00 Get out of bed. For breakfast and familyPrepare the rice bowl7:00 Wake up family and have breakfast8:00 Leaving home8:15 Send the child to school9:00 Start work17:00 After work18:00 Childhood Dinner preparation19:30 Dinner20:30 Bath21:00 Get the baby to sleep21:30 Dishwashing liquid. Cleaning22:30 Personal time24:00 BedtimeAfter putting the children to bed, the last thing they want to do is do their own chores around 10:30. Working mothers understand that they are working outside of work hours without a break. Very sacred mothers.In Japan, to reduce the burden on working mothers, they share a few activities, such as sharing responsibilities with their husbands and supporting society.Looking at this schedule alone, I think there are a lot of people who think they have lost their human rights without any personal time, but working mothers on the other hand need it in society and companies. You could say that you are living a perfect human life, thinking that you need your family too.#workingmomsinjapanHAJIMARIMOM