Partner with Us!
Product Reviews
Whether you want to launch a new product or an existing one, we shall ensure our reviewers deliver the best impression of your product with fun and exciting ways thus attracting potential customers.
Native Articles
Original articles on our website and shared across our social channels. Our content writers can create customized articles bringing your brand in style on our platform.
Branding Campaigns
Initiate custom campaigns on social media and/or website relevant to your brand. Whether it be weeks or months, HAJIMARIMOM.com promises to produce positive results.
Sponsored Content
Involve your brand in our regular content, either video or article format. We will make sure to deliver your brand's message seamlessly and precisely.
Our Packages
We will help introduce your brand by coming to you and creating content together with you. Either Interviews or Launch events, we got you covered.
Platforms - HAJIMARI MOM.com Website + Facebook + Youtube
Guaranteed Reach - 50K minimum
Formats and Pricing
Article + Video = $500
Article + Photos = $350 (Youtube not inclcuded)
Options (pricing will be added to above package):
Usage Rights - 50% of package price
+50K reach - $80
Product Reviews
Whether you want to launch a new product or an existing one, we shall ensure our reviewers deliver the best impression of your product with fun and exciting ways thus attracting potential customers.
Platforms - HAJIMARI MOM.com Website + Facebook + Youtube
Guaranteed Reach - 50K minimum
Formats and Pricing
Article + Video = $250
Article + Photos = $100 (Youtube not Included)
Options (pricing will be added to above package):
Usage Rights - 50% of package price
+50K reach - $80
*Product will be provided by the client