4 yoga poses before going to bed for beginners
"Yoga" can be expected to have various effects on diet and health. In addition, it has a stress-relieving and relaxing effect, so it is said to be good for mental maintenance. This time, we will introduce simple yoga poses recommended for beginners and their effects that you want to incorporate as a habit before going to bed.A good night's sleep pose recommended for yoga before going to bedIt is recommended that yoga, which keeps your mind and body healthy, is a habit before going to bed at night. You can work on it in 10 minutes, and there are some poses you can do on the bed, so please try it.1. Easy seat poseIf you are tired, you may get excited and have difficulty falling asleep, but it is important to get a good night's sleep to get rid of your tiredness! In such a case, I would like to try a yoga pose called Anrakuza. Anrakuza is a typical yoga pose like zen meditation, and by doing it before going to bed, it calms the mind and leads to a good night's sleep.[How to comfortably sit]Sit with both legs extended.Cross the shins and open both knees outward.Sit with your ankles at 90 degrees, with your right foot under your left knee and your left foot under your right knee, with a deep cross in front.Root the left and right ischia, stretch the spine, and regulate breathing.2. One leg forward bend (head to knee forward bend)
It is also important to improve lymphatic and blood circulation in order to remove swelling of the lower body that interferes with sleep. You can get rid of the feeling exhausted of your lower body by loosening your leg muscles before going to bed in a yoga pose.[How to bend forward on one leg]Extend your right leg and place your left foot on the base of your right legPlace a cushion or blanket under the left knee and buttocks to raise the pelvisTilt your upper body forward while maintaining a straight posture so as not to curl your backIf your back and hips are curled up when you bend forward, the effect will be halved, so be careful! By bending forward and loosening the muscles of the legs while stimulating the base of the foot, lymphatic and blood circulation will improve.3. Leg handstand pose
When your body is tired, waste products and blood accumulate in your lower body, causing your legs to swell, but swelling of your legs can also interfere with a good night's sleep. To avoid leaving your legs tired the next morning, take good care of yourself with a simple yoga pose that you can do in 5 minutes before going to bed.[How to do a handstand pose]Lean your legs against the wall like a handstandOpen your hands sideways or open your chest in the shape of a hurrayRelax and relax for about 5 minutesIf you lay a blanket under your buttocks and raise it, your hips will loosen and the relaxing effect will improve. Let's get rid of the tiredness of the body by imagining the waste and blood accumulated in the lower body!4. Child Pose
Children's poses are also called break poses, and can be expected to have a calming effect on the body and calm the body.[How to pose like a child]Sit down and put your big toes on. Open your hands to shoulder width, extend in front of your body, tilt your upper body forward, and put your forehead on the floor.Open your knees slightly so that your knees are next to your chest, and firmly attach your hips to your heels.With the middle fingers of both hands facing straight forward, pull the abdomen inward and extend the spine long. Relax by stretching the back of your neck while relaxing your shoulders and keeping your shoulders and neck away.If your butt floats from your heels, place a blanket between your butt and heels to stabilize your butt. The child's pose is also an exercise for bending forward by tilting the upper body forward from the hip joint, so it is also effective for pre-working for people who are not good at bending forward.So far, we have introduced the yoga poses that we recommend for tired moms to try before going to bed. All of them are easy, so why not take them as one of the sleep-onset rituals with your child?