"Another" type of education?! Pros and Cons of alternative education

"Alternative education" is attracting attention as "another education" that is different from traditional education such as public education. It may be mentioned as one of the options for children who find it difficult to live in public education, such as being unfamiliar with the class or not being able to keep up with their learning progress. However, there are some lesser-known parts, such as how children grow up in alternative education. This time, while explaining this alternative education, we will introduce its merits and points to note when incorporating it.What is alternative education?The literal translation of alternative means "alternative," and alternative education can be rephrased as "non-traditional education" or "educational options." It mainly refers to educational methods that incorporate the philosophical ideas of Europe and the United States, many of which respect individuals and autonomously and independently learn and hold events based on the child's inherent quest. The feature is that the curriculum is organized so that Specifically, educational methods such as "Montessori education", "Jena-plan schools", and "Waldorf education" are applicable.Schools that incorporate alternative educationA school that incorporates "alternative education" developed based on European and American philosophical ideas is called an "alternative school." "Alternative" means "another" and is considered to be "another school" that is neither public nor private.Alternative schools often provide education that respects the individual and emphasizes the independence of the child. Many schools position adults as staff who support children, not as teachers.Alternative schools are operated with policies and philosophies that are different from public education, which is stipulated by law in terms of curriculum guidelines and operating systems. Therefore, only a few are operated as school corporations, and most of them are operated as NPO corporations and general incorporated foundations.Benefits of Alternative EducationThe biggest merit of alternative education is that it can enhance "humanity" that cannot be cultivated by education that teaches according to the curriculum. The point is that instead of a traditional one-pattern teaching method, education tailored to the individuality and learning situation of the child is tried, and learning progresses on each individual theme, enabling independent learning. Let's do it. Also, in alternative education, there are many educations that emphasize "experience", so there are many paintings, cooking, plays and crafts, so it is also a feature that children learn with high interest.Precautions for alternative educationEven if you say alternative education, the way of thinking and philosophy differ slightly depending on the school. Therefore, instead of deciding only on the image of the parents, I would like to have the child take a trial lesson once and decide on admission after having a good discussion.The term alternative education is gradually gaining in popularity, but it is still mostly in elementary and junior high schools. Keep in mind that when you go on to high school, you often follow a regular curriculum, so you need to be flexible enough to overcome the gaps in your study style.Alternative education is still an "future" education method, but it is an education method that has the potential to further bring out the individuality of children by firmly grasping the educational philosophy. Depending on the country, there may or may not be alternative education institutions, but it is important for parents to know that there are educational methods with such a policy. If you have such an educational institution in your own country, why not consider it as one of the options after understanding the merits and precautions.


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