A Baby's Seating in a Car

Never leave your baby in the car! Measures to prevent the danger and leaving in the car

When I go shopping with my child by car, I think there are quite a few people who have wondered, "Is it okay to leave my child in the car?" "Because it's about 5 minutes...", "Because it's troublesome to take it off and put it on the child seat", "Because my baby is sleeping well and I'm sorry to wake him up", I hesitate to take the child out of the car and go shopping. There are various scenes. What should we do in such a case? This time, we will introduce the dangers of leaving babies and toddlers in the car and measures to prevent them from being left in the car.

What are the dangers of leaving a baby in the car?

No seasonal relationship! May get heat strokeThe most frightening thing about leaving a baby in the car is heat stroke. Of course, it's hot in summer, so it's said that you can get heat stroke even if you're indoors. Not only in midsummer, but also in spring and autumn, there is a risk of heat stroke on days when the weather is good and the temperature is high. In a car under the scorching sun, the temperature can exceed 50 ° C, so even if the windows are open or the cooler is on, there is a good chance of heat stroke.In the case of babies, they are often fixed to child seats, and you cannot complain that you want to go out because it is hot. The only option is to wait for your dad or mom to come back to your car, or for someone nearby to notice you. The easy idea of ​​coming back soon is very dangerous.The risk of removal is not zeroThe risk of being victimized by a crime such as abduction is not zero. The situation of being in the car with only children is a good target for the abductee. This is especially true in places that are difficult to see, such as multi-story car parks.For a small child, for example, if the kidnapper says, "Unlock because my mom asked me," she might believe it and unlock the car door. Also, if you're in an unobtrusive place, you can break the windowpane and take your child away in no time.

Measures to prevent babies from being left in the car

Knowing the dangers we've seen so far, no parent deliberately leaves a baby in the car and puts it at risk of life. However, if mom is tired of her childcare, housework, etc., or is driving with her work in mind, she says there is no chance that she will inadvertently forget her baby in the car and get off. I can't cut it. It's hard to notice, especially if your baby is sleeping soundly and quiet. Let's devise not to forget the existence of the baby.Make the child seat easier to seeFirst of all, many households have child seats installed directly behind the driver's seat or passenger seat, but try installing them in a position that makes it easy to see through the rear-view mirror from the driver's seat. If possible, the center of the back seat is recommended. This position will prevent you from accidentally forgetting when your dad or grandparents drive as well as your mom.Place valuables near the child seatIn order not to forget your baby in the car, it is a good idea to get into the habit of putting valuables near the child seat instead of the passenger seat. You may feel inconvenienced because you have to twist your body from the driver's seat to remove valuables, but the child seat is always in sight when you get out of the car. When placing valuables or bags, be careful not to let your baby reach out and play tricks.After deciding on measures to keep children in the car, I would like to share the measures not only with my dad but also with my grandparents and other people who have a habit of putting their children in the car. Let's work together with the whole family to prevent the baby from being left in the car.


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