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Dotting your kid is OK! Four important things to raise an only child!

Since the first born is the first child to be raised by a parent, there are many things that they do not understand and hesitates, and they tend to be nervous. When it becomes the second or third person, you will gradually be able to raise children roughly and loosely. In addition, by raising several children, you can experience the various personalities and personalities of the children, and you can turn your mind toward raising their childhood without placing excessive expectations on them. However, when there is only one child, parents' expectations tend to increase. So what should parents of only children be careful about when raising them? Here are four important things to do when raising an only child.1. Make lots of time to play with friendsOnly children do not have the opportunity to quarrel with their siblings, making it difficult for them to grow socially at home. So create opportunities to play with their friends as much as possible. Your only child can have a fight, endure, regret, empathize with, and have a variety of experiences while playing with their friends. It is also desirable to have the opportunity to be involved not only with children of the same age but also with children of different ages. If you go to a nursery school, you may want to consider choosing a nursery school where older and younger children have childcare together or a small number of home-based childcare. By engaging with children of different ages, you can expand the sociality of the child at once.2. Don't expect too muchWith siblings, parents' expectations and dissatisfaction can be dispersed, but with an only child, everything is focused on that child. Excessive expectations can be stressful and stressful for the child and can be a heavy burden on the child. It tends to be difficult to express their feelings because they try to be a "good child" who does not disappoint their parents' expectations. Parents need to be careful not to expect too much or interfere with their children. Rather than laying too many rails with your own expectations, "I want you to be like this" and "I don't want to be like that", it is important to watch over "what kind of child this child will grow up to".3. Develop independenceIt is also necessary to raise children so as not to destroy the buds of independence that they want to try. Since there is only one child, the eyes of the parents are very careful. As a result, they tend to get ahead of everything and stop saying "Dangerous because it's not good" or "Dirty because it's not good", or immediately help them not to fail. When parents give instructions and conclusions, they lose the child's desire to do it. Of course, you have to be careful when it's really dangerous so that there is no danger of life or serious injury, but let's suppress unnecessary tricks and watch over what the child wants to do.4. I'll give you plenty of sweetnessIt may be that if you are an only child, you will grow up selfishly. Since there is only one child in the family, there are many experiences where everything goes according to your wishes, and parents often worry that they are too spoiled. One thing to keep in mind is that "sweet" and "spoiled" are different. It is "spoiled" to forgive anything while leaving things that are not good. On the other hand, responding to a child's desires when they want to be spoiled or when they need the affection of their parents is not "spoiled". Because it is an only child, it is said that at least in childhood, letting it be spoiled to the fullest and giving plenty of love to dad and mom will lead to confidence in the future. In addition, it is said that the affection often grows as a consideration and compassion for those around us.