Eating Meat Post Baby-food

When do you start eating meat with baby food? Precautions and cooking method

As a mom, I'm happy if baby food goes smoothly. It's fun to see your baby's reaction when you eat the ingredients you give for the first time, and you'll want your baby to experience the taste of different ingredients. However, vegetables and noodles can be given from the beginning of baby food, but do you ever wonder when you should start eating meat that is protein?

This time, we will introduce when you can eat meat with baby food, precautions when you start eating, and cooking methods according to the season.

When is meat OK with baby food?

When you start baby food, you want to eat various nutrients in a well-balanced manner. When should meat be incorporated into baby food? Also, what should I be careful about when incorporating it into baby food?

Start eating meat from the middle of baby food

When incorporating meat into baby food, it starts from the middle stage of baby food, which is 7 to 8 months old. As the first meat to be taken in, we recommend chicken, which does not burden the baby's internal organs. Among chickens, chicken tender is low in fat and rich in protein, so it is a meat that matches baby food.

Precautions when starting to eat meat

When incorporating meat into baby food, start with lean meat, which is low in fat. Meat contains allergens that you should be aware of, so be careful when eating for the first time.

The first meat is from chicken fillet

In addition to chicken and beef, there are various types of meat such as high-fat and low-fat parts, minced meat and sliced ​​meat, so it's hard to decide what to start with. .. In such a case, let's start with meat that is lean and has less strain on the stomach. Your baby's stomach is immature and is likely to cause indigestion, which can lead to vomiting and diarrhea. Let's proceed slowly from the type that does not burden the stomach. Of all the meat, chicken has the least strain on the stomach. Let's eat the lean chicken meat first. If it is chicken, it is okay to give it from the middle stage of baby food (7 to 8 months).

Once you get used to the chicken, go to other meat

Once you get used to the chicken breast, step up to the lean chicken breast or minced chicken breast in the same chicken. Once you get used to chicken, let's try beef. The period is late in baby food, around 9 to 11 months after birth. By this time, I started to chew with my gums. Meat and other ingredients should be soft enough to be crushed by pressing with your finger. When the baby food is completed (1 to 1.5 years old), it will be possible to separate it from the adult diet, so it will be much easier for moms. However, some babies may not be able to chew or swallow well. Depending on the type of meat and the cooking method, you may have vomiting or diarrhea. In such a case, don't be impatient and go back to the previous stage and proceed slowly.

Cooking method according to the time when it is easy for babies to eat meat

When feeding your baby meat, it is important to cook it so that it is easy to swallow. The following describes what kind of cooking method should be used for each season.

Mid-term baby food (around 7-8 months)

In the middle of baby food, more babies will be able to move their mouths to some extent. However, it is still close to the state of swallowing whole. The point of the cooking method is to cut the meat into small pieces. It is good to cut it firmly with a kitchen knife, but it is easy to freeze the meat and then grind it down to make it easier to eat.

Late baby food (around 9 to 11 months)

In the late stages of baby food, we enter the time when we start to chew food with our gums. Gradually increase the size of the food and cook it to make it firmer. The recommended cooking method is minced meat. It's a good idea to choose minced meat when you buy it, but it's even better to use a food processor to make it minced.

Baby food completion period (around 1 to 1.5 years old)

When the baby food is completed, more and more children will grab it with their own hands and eat it. However, babies will find it difficult to eat in the same condition as adults. Ideally, when an adult eats it, it feels a little too soft. It is also a practice to use the front teeth well and bite off, so it is necessary to make it a certain size and hardness. Try to make the size about 7mm to 10mm and the hardness like a banana. It may be too loud or too hard when you have a hard-to-eat face or when you hear a clear swallowing sound. Try adjusting it to make it a little smaller and softer.

This time I tried to summarize the meat of baby food, but was it helpful? Meat contains a lot of important nutrients such as proteins and vitamins that make up the baby's body, so it is an ingredient that we want to actively incorporate. Let's do our best to make baby food while hoping that the baby will grow up healthier with a delicious and nutritious baby food.


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