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Eliminate Constipation during Pregnancy with a Diet!!!

Various changes occur in the body during pregnancy. I think there are many people who are suffering from constipation. Even if you have severe constipation, you shouldn't take over-the-counter medicines easily because the medicines you can take during pregnancy are limited. Besides, it is difficult to get rid of constipation during pregnancy because it is not good to take too much caffeine, which is effective for constipation. Therefore, this time, I will introduce "Why pregnancy is prone to constipation" and "How to cure constipation during pregnancy with meals without using medicine".Why is it Easy to have Constipation during Pregnancy?When pregnant, the female hormone "progesterone (luteinizing hormone)" becomes more active. This hormone works to keep the pregnancy stable in preparation for the uterus to grow by loosening the muscles and ligaments. On the other hand, it also suppresses intestinal peristalsis, making it easier for people who have never had constipation before pregnancy. In addition, due to "morning sickness" in the early stages of pregnancy, there is insufficient food and water, and the amount of stool is reduced. This can also cause constipation.Overcome Constipation with Your Diet during Pregnancy!

  1. Drink plenty of water and eat more breakfastLack of water can make constipation worse. First of all, try to get more water in your daily life. Aim for at least 1.5 liters a day. The morning is a time when the movement of the intestines tends to be active. When you wake up, it is recommended that you first get into the habit of drinking water. Also, try to eat breakfast at the same time and get in the habit of adjusting your bowel rhythm.
  2. Keeping in Mind the Intake of Dietary Fiber as the BasicsIn early pregnancy, there may be times when you don't eat much due to morning sickness. Of course, you don't have to overdo it when you can't eat it, but you want to eat as much fiber-containing foods as possible to encourage intestinal peristaltic movements. Foods high in dietary fiber include burdock root vegetables, carrots, lotus root vegetables, beans such as soybeans, seaweeds such as hijiki and wakame seaweed, mushrooms, and green vegetables like spinach. Potatoes and legumes also have the function of fermenting in the intestines to generate gas and promote peristaltic movements.
  3. Refrain from White FoodsWe recommend that you refrain from white foods when you are pregnant. Change the rice to a mixture of brown rice and pressed barley, not just white rice, and change the bread to whole grain or rye bread. This is because unrefined foods are richer in dietary fiber than refined foods. Comparing the amount of dietary fiber, brown rice is about 4 times as much as white rice, pressed barley is about 20 times as much, and rye bread is about 4 times as much as bread rolls! Even if you don't devise a side dish, you can increase the amount of dietary fiber and improve the intestinal environment just by changing the staple food. Make sure to include unrefined foods that are rich in minerals as well as fiber in your daily diet.

Don't rely on medicine right away, but try to "start with your diet"So, How was it? Even if you have constipation during pregnancy, which is difficult to resolve, you can make it refreshed without getting hungry by changing your daily diet. It is important to keep in mind the eating habits introduced this time every day, not occasionally. Keep in mind that if you suffer from constipation during pregnancy, don't immediately resort to medication, but start with your diet.