Meals during Pregnancy!!!

Eating during pregnancy is important! Foods to eat and foods to watch out for

The baby's body in the stomach is made from what mom eats as nutrition. That's why pregnant moms want to be careful about what they eat. You should always eat a well-balanced diet, but during pregnancy there are nutrients that you should be more conscious of than before you are pregnant, and conversely, foods that you should avoid during pregnancy.To protect the health of your pregnant mom and her baby, let's know the basics about eating during pregnancy. In this article, we will introduce foods that you should eat and foods that you should be careful about during pregnancy.

Two foods to eat during pregnancy

If you understand what you should eat actively during pregnancy, you can use it for your daily menu. First, let's look at two foods that you should actively consume during pregnancy.

Folic acid (folate)

Actively consume foods that contain folic acid. Folic acid is an essential nutrient for placental formation and healthy fetal growth. Ingredients such as spinach and broccoli contain a lot of folic acid, and cooking methods such as "fried", "stir-fried", and "boiled" are recommended because they are easy to eat. It is an essential nutrient in your pregnancy, so be sure to take it positively.

Calcium-containing larvae and yogurt

Calcium, which has the effect of adjusting the intestinal environment, is also recommended. Calcium intake prevents constipation and improves the intestinal environment, leading to improved immunity. Recommended ingredients include small fish, yogurt, and soy products. In particular, yogurt and soy products can take in protein as well as calcium and are easy to eat, so it will be easy to take in.

Things to watch out for during pregnancy

One thing to keep in mind when eating a pregnant woman during pregnancy is that even if it is okay for a normal adult to eat or drink, in the case of a pregnant woman, reaching the baby in the stomach through the placenta will help the baby grow and develop. It may affect you.Some things should be avoided altogether during pregnancy, while others should not be eaten in excess of a certain amount. Some may want to "eat" or "drink" as a pregnant woman's favorite food, but during pregnancy (including breastfeeding) in her life is limited and very important. It's a period. Choose foods and drinks with the health of your baby first.

Food and drinks to watch out for during pregnancy


As a general rule, alcohol during pregnancy is NG because it can affect the growth and development of the fetus. Nowadays, there are non-alcoholic beers and wines with 0% alcohol, so let's enjoy the atmosphere while using them.

Nutrition Drink

Not all are NG, but some types that contain caffeine or alcohol should not be taken during pregnancy. Be sure to check the ingredients of the product.

Sashimi (raw fish)

If a pregnant woman develops food poisoning during pregnancy, it will also have an adverse effect on the fetus. Raw fish are NG to prevent food poisoning. It's okay if you cook it, so when you eat fish, be sure to cook it thoroughly, such as by baking or simmering it.

Raw egg

As with fresh fish, if a pregnant woman suffers from food poisoning, she may experience diarrhea and vomiting, which may affect the fetus, so avoid raw eggs. It is okay to heat it sufficiently and use it for cooking, such as fried eggs.

Raw meat (rare steak, prosciutto, etc.)

Especially during pregnancy, it becomes easy to get infected with Listeria monocytogenes and easily reaches the baby through the placenta, and food poisoning of Listeria monocytogenes also affects the fetus, so it is heated raw meat and firmly. Avoid eating raw meat and processed foods. When you eat, be sure to cook it to the inside.

Natural cheese

Natural cheese is cheese that has not been heat-treated. Like raw meat, it may contain Listeria monocytogenes, so don't eat it as it is during pregnancy. It's okay if you use it in a cooking method that heats it, such as making pizza. Processed cheese is heat-treated so you can eat it.

Get a good balance of nutrients during pregnancy

Avoid an unbalanced diet during pregnancy and try to get the nutrients you need in a balanced manner. A well-balanced diet is one of the important factors not only for maintaining the health of the mother but also for the growth of the fetus. Please be aware of your diet so that you can properly take in folic acid and calcium. Also, if you understand the foods that you should be careful about during pregnancy and pay attention to overdose, you will be able to lead a more secure pregnancy life.


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