The amount of lessons to learn!

It's not good to have a lot of children's lessons! ?? How to make lessons effective

I want to find and develop my child's talent. With that in mind, many families have their children do more than one lesson. Let's learn English with an eye on the accelerating global society, how about learning sports with the goal of participating in the Olympic Games, and wanting to learn programming for children before programming education begins at school. Nowadays, there are many lessons that were not available when the parents were children. However, I cannot say that it is good to increase lessons. This time, let's think about how to choose the best lesson for your child.

Harmful effects caused by many children's lessons

Run out of time with family and friends

It is very courageous for a child to tell his friends that he has lessons to play with today. I'm sorry if I thought it was every day. For children, playing with friends leads to growth and is a fun time. I also need time to spend with my family. If you omit it and let it go to lessons, it will have the negative effect of weakening the cooperation of the child and the relationship with the people around him. If you don't balance your lessons with your friends and family time, you can become isolated without your knowledge.

Everything can be half-baked

If you are doing multiple lessons at the same time, you will spend less time on each lesson, and all of them may be halfway. If you really want to practice soccer more, but you can't do it because you have a lot of cram school and English conversation homework, you may not be able to improve your skills no matter how hard your child tries.

Can be traumatic

It may be good if the child wants to do everything himself, but if he has no time to relax every day and is busy with lessons, he may dislike all the lessons. As parents become more and more motivated, the lessons can only be an unpleasant image for their children. If you feel that you're not fit, you're not interested, or you're doing a little too much, don't miss the child's signature.

How to make your child learn effectively

Decide how long you will attend the lessons and your goals

Before you start a lesson, discuss with your child what the lesson is for and how long it will last. Even if you are still small at the beginning of the lesson, as you get older and understand the story, children who are learning to swim will be able to set goals such as "I want to be able to do backstroke!" Will be.Parents can also prevent their children from continuing when they don't make much sense by deciding what they want their children to learn for. Setting goals is also useful when your child says "I want to quit" on the way.

Organize your child's lessons on a regular basis

The second is to "organize lessons" about once every six months. If you organize what you want to do (Want), what you can do (Can), and what you have to do (Must), it is clear at this point "what you want to do", "what you can do", and "what you have to do". Will be. Of course, there is a desire to give priority to what the child wants to do, but there are times when we have to think about the future. Adjusting and controlling it is an important role as a parent.

If your child has a lot of lessons, parents must control it.

Encouraging children to learn more may be evidence of their love for them. However, it is meaningless if a lot of lessons are a mental burden for parents and children. Even if the lesson the child wants to do, if it is too much, the adult will control it. Lessons can also help your child's curiosity. Adjust the numbers well so that you can continue to have fun.


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