Morning stretch to improve your day!

Easy to do on the bed! Morning stretch to improve awakening

My head is not clear, and even if I try to get up, I can't do it easily... I think everyone is experiencing this. On such a day, try stretching on the bed. Time to switch from rest to activity in the morning. Stretching in the morning can be expected to have various effects as a support for waking up.

Effects of morning stretch

You can feel the effect of the morning stretch in just 5 minutes. Before we show you how to stretch in the morning, let's first look at the effects of stretching in the morning.

Wake up betterFor a while after waking up in the morning, your consciousness is not clear. People who have been in that state for a long time are evidence that their autonomic nerves are out of balance. Stretching in the morning balances the autonomic nerves and increases blood flow, which has the effect of clarifying consciousness and improving awakening.

Increases metabolismThe body is dormant in the morning and it not be in active mode yet. Morning stretch, which allows you to get out of that state quickly, has the effect of increasing metabolism. In addition, stretching in the morning makes it easier for you to move, which increases your activity during the day and makes your body easier to lose weight.

Elimination of swelling and constipationProlonged swelling and constipation can lead to a fat body. When you have swelling or constipation, body wastes accumulate in your body, and your metabolism deteriorates, making your body easier to gain weight. Since morning stretching has the effect of promoting blood circulation, it eliminates swelling and enhances the detoxification effect.

Eliminates body stiffnessA body that has slept for a long time has stiff muscles and poor blood flow. If the muscles remain in that state, blood circulation will deteriorate and the body will become stiff. If you already have stiffness in your body, it can get worse. Morning stretching has the effect of loosening these stiff muscles, which helps eliminate back pain and shoulder stiffness.

Mental stabilityWhen the autonomic nervous system is out of balance due to stress or lack of sleep, mental instability may occur, causing "clinical depression". There are two types of autonomic nerves, the "sympathetic nerve" that works predominantly during the day and the "parasympathetic nerve" that works predominantly at night, and it is important to maintain this balance. When the blood flow increases by stretching in the morning, the sympathetic nerve becomes dominant and the active mode is entered.

Easy morning stretch in bed

So far, we've seen the effects of morning stretching, but from now on, we'll show you a simple morning stretching method that you can do in bed as soon as you wake up.


  • In a supine position, fold your hands together and extend them over your head. Stretch slowly with your whole body as if you were stretching your limbs far away, and stretch for about 20 seconds.
  • Tilt your upper body to the right from state 1 and stretch slowly for about 20 seconds while feeling your left flank stretched.
  • Return to your back while stretching, then tilt your upper body to the left and slowly stretch for about 20 seconds, feeling your right flank stretched.

Waist twist stretch

  • Spread your hands on your back, bend one knee 90 degrees and cross over the other leg.
  • Pull the knees on top with your hands and stretch slowly for about 20 seconds, feeling your hips extending from your hips.
  • As in 2, the opposite leg also crosses and stretches in the same way.

Hip stretch

  • Lying on your back, hold your right foot and bring it closer to your chest.
  • Stretch slowly for about 20 seconds, feeling your right hip stretched.
  • Stretch your left foot in the same way.

Neck stretch

  • Get up slowly and sit on the bed.
  • Slowly turn your neck left and right.
  • Tilt your neck to the right and place your right hand on your head.
  • You don't have to bend your neck forcibly, just the weight of your hand.
  • Do the opposite in the same way.
  • Do the same before and after.

Upper body warp stretch

  • Lying down on the bed, place your hands on your chest.
  • Raise your upper body and bend your back.

Points and precautions for waking up stretch

Immediately after waking up, your body temperature is low and your muscles are difficult to stretch, so forcibly stretching may cause injuries. Please note the following:

  • Don't hold your breath
  • If you hold your breath and stretch, it will put a strain on your heart. Do not hold your breath and try to breathe slowly and repeatedly as long as there is no pain.
  • Muscles tend to become stiff when stretched forcibly, so it is counterproductive to endure pain and stretch strongly. It's best to feel "a little painful and comfortable" and "not growing".

Stretch in the morning to clean your mind and body!

This time, I introduced the morning stretch that you can do on the bed to wake up to improve your awakening. You can expect a sufficient effect even in just 5 minutes, and it has the effect of cleaning your mind and body. Start your day with a stretch in the morning.


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