Raising a kind and gentle boy

How to raise a gentle boy! Children's "gentleness" can be nurtured by how they treat their parents

I want my boy to grow up gentle and kind... Many moms have such a wish. If you can treat people kindly, you will surely become a man loved by others. This time with the wishes of such a mom! I summarized how to raise a gentle boy. Please refer to it.

By what age is the child's personality determined?

Generally, it is said that about 80% of the human brain is formed by the age of three. Some people say that up to 3 years old is important because personality and thoughts are created along with the formation of the brain. In early childhood, people tend to think that they don't know anything, but they absorb everything they hear, see, and experience. Your child's personality may change depending on the behavior of your dad and mom, so it's important to stay alert even in early childhood.

How to raise a gentle boy

Now, let me show you how to raise a boy with a gentle personality. Be aware that unconscious behavior can affect your child's personality.Say words that are considerate of the other personIf your child falls or your dad is in trouble, ask, "Are you okay?" Children feel the comfort of being interested by their moms and at the same time learn the importance of caring for the people around them. The basis of kindness is delicate care and attention. Mom's compassionate words to her family will naturally lay the foundation for kindness.Don't scold the childWhen scolding a child, do not scold him in a way that denies the other person. Even though Dad and Mom have no intention of denying her personality, the child is depressed because she thinks she has been denied. As a result, you can't afford to treat people kindly. Don't deny it suddenly, but first listen to your child's thoughts and feelings.Does not interfere with the curiosity of the childMany dads and moms are worried about getting hurt because boys have a strong desire to challenge their interests. Sure, I'm worried about injuries, but children learn a lot from their mistakes. Children learn a lot through various experiences, such as failure and regret. You will acquire the power to empathize with others because you make mistakes and feel regretful. If you think of your child, don't disturb your child's curiosity unless it's very dangerous.Create lots of opportunities to interact with other childrenIncrease opportunities to communicate with children of different ages and opposite sex, not just those of the same generation. By communicating with different people, children will be able to empathize with more people. It is recommended to create opportunities to interact with many children, such as starting lessons and attending events.

Let's raise the kindness of children by treating parents!

How was it. If you want a gentle boy to grow up, it is important for your dad and mom to be your role model. The child grows up thinking, "I will be like this," when I see the parents treating people kindly. Please be kind to your children and the people around you.


Children & Self-esteem


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