Don't waste ingredients! Refrigerator arrangements

Refrigerators are indispensable for keeping ingredients fresh, but sometimes they are stored in the back and wasted. You don't want to waste food as much as possible to save your household budget. This time, we will introduce how to organize the refrigerator and how to store it so as not to put out unnecessary ingredients.

Refrigerator organizing technique that does not waste ingredients (1) First, grasp the amount used in a week

The first thing you should know to avoid wasting food is what you should do before organizing the refrigerator. Knowing and knowing how much food your family uses each week will help prevent overbuying. If you have a habit of buying in bulk, make sure you know how much you consume half a week to prevent overbuying.

Refrigerator organizing technique that does not waste ingredients (2) Based on the best-by date and frequency of use

Store leftover side dishes and other items with a short expiration date in the "eye level-lower", which is the easiest place to take out in the refrigerator. Also, it is recommended that you put your child's snacks in the tray decided at this place so that the child can take them out immediately by himself.In the chilled room (meat keeper), put meat, fresh fish, and other cooking ingredients such as wieners and ham that do not have a long expiration date.On the other hand, seasonings that are not normally used and drinks for canning and stock that have a long expiration date should be placed in the upper row. If you store processed products such as tofu and butter in separate trays underneath, it will be easier to understand the stock status of ingredients.

Refrigerator organizing technique that does not waste ingredients (3) Get in the habit of writing out what you need

I mentioned earlier that it is important to prevent overbuying in order not to waste ingredients, but specifically, how should we prevent overbuying?The ideal way to organize the refrigerator is to keep it within 80% of its capacity. The more space you have left, the easier it will be to see what's in it. To keep that space, bring your shopping notes with you when you go to the grocery store and try to buy only what you need.

Refrigerator organizing technique that does not waste ingredients (4) Use a paper bag for storage in the vegetable room (vegetable drawer)

When storing vegetables, it is best to store them in the orientation in which they were grown. Store radishes and carrots with the leaves facing up, and lettuce and cabbage with the core facing down. In addition, it is recommended to use a paper bag to separate the vegetables in the room. The paper bag does not easily damage the vegetables even if they touch the vegetables, and even if you put the vegetables with soil, you can just throw them away without any hassle. If you cut it according to the height of the storage space, it will be easier to grasp the contents. In addition, it is convenient to put small leftover vegetables together in a tray or plastic container.

Refrigerator organizing technique that does not waste ingredients (6) Use a transparent and vertically long storage tray

The basis of refrigerator storage is to make it easy to see where it is. It is recommended that the storage tray, which serves as a partition in the refrigerator, be transparent so that the contents can be easily seen, and that there is a partial hole so that the cold air does not stay. The size is vertically long according to the depth of the refrigerator, and it is easy to take out if it has a handle. If you can't find a transparent one, put a label on the tray to make it easier to understand the contents.To avoid wasting food in the refrigerator, it is important to make it easy to understand where and what is. If you make rules for storage locations and make it easier to understand the ingredients, you will surely be able to prevent waste of ingredients. Get in the habit of cleaning the refrigerator and running out of ingredients on a regular basis so that you don't waste it because it has expired!


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