The Growth Spurt Period

The important “growth spurt period” that you need to know to grow your child's height

Have you ever wondered, "How can I grow taller?" when you were a kid? And at one point, many people noticed that their height had stopped growing and regretted, "I wanted to be taller!". Height is mainly determined by heredity, but it is not the only factor. In recent years, it has been reported that the way you grow taller depends on how well you provide support during the growing season. Here are some things to keep in mind during the growth period and the growth spurt period.

What is a growth spurt?

"Growth spurt" refers to a rapid increase in height during puberty. Children grow up every day from birth to before and after adulthood, but it is said that their height grows rapidly when they are babies and during this growth spurt. Although there are individual differences, the time when the "growth spurt" occurs is around 11 years old for girls and 13 years old for boys. It is characterized by the fact that it grows about 8 to 9 cm in height over a certain period of time. If there is a cause that suppresses height growth, such as living an irregular life during this period, you will not be able to grow tall enough, and in the future you will be shorter than the original "growth potential". It is believed that it will become.

Growth can be divided into three periods

1.  InfancyThe fastest time in life is between the ages of 0 and 1. Many babies grow about 25 cm a year. The most important thing during this time is adequate nutrition. There are individual differences, but in most cases you don't have to worry if the growth curve follows the slope of the reference.2.  Early adolescencePreadolescence is the period from about 4 years old to before the onset of puberty. After entering elementary school, your height will grow by 5 to 6 cm in a year. During this time, it is important that growth hormone is secreted normally.3.  PubertyIn most cases, girls enter puberty at the age of 9-10 and boys at the age of 11-12, and the last spurt of height growth begins. It seems that the slope of the growth curve changes because the growth slows down a little during the year before puberty. Puberty begins when the secretion of "sex hormones" begins. At the end of puberty, height growth almost stops.

The important thing is the growth spurt period

The last spurt of height growth that begins after entering puberty. During this time, measure your height once a month. And if the height growth increases for 3 consecutive months, it is said that it is the growth spurt period. There are three things to watch out for during this growth spurt period.1.  SleepA growing child sleeps well. I'm sleepy anyway. Growth hormone is abundant during deep sleep. Among them, the first 3 hours are the most secreted. After that, it is secreted every 3 o'clock, so it is better to secure 8 hours of sleep.2.  MotionModerate exercise is required to grow bones and build a body. Moderate exercise stimulates growth hormone secretion and strengthens bones. On the other hand, be aware that excessive exercise will deprive you of the calories needed for growth. In addition, it seems that the strength of bones after getting older is related to how much bone density was increased by exercising when young.3.  NutritionCalcium and other nutrients are needed for bone growth. It is basic to eat high-protein, low-calorie foods in a well-balanced manner. Among them, proteins are the cells of most of the body such as muscles, skin and bones.Calcium is also a material for bones and teeth. However, calcium alone cannot make bones. Taking magnesium and vitamin D at the same time increases the absorption rate of calcium and makes it easier to deposit in bones.When exposed to sunlight, the body can produce vitamin D. Zinc also helps proteins build cells and is involved in the production and secretion of growth hormone. Vitamin K also strengthens bones, and phosphorus helps calcium to become bones. (However, taking too much phosphorus can lead to mineral imbalance, bone loss, and zinc deficiency.)It is said that the height is "about 90% determined by heredity". However, it is also pointed out that there is a difference in how you grow tall depending on whether you provide correct support in the growth spurt or not. If you want to grow your child's height as much as possible, don't miss the growth support period! Let's support you to adjust your lifestyle as introduced this time.


Sibling Quarrels are the best opportunities for your children!! [YOU are the best MOM] vol.6


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