Sibling Quarrels are the best opportunities for your children!! [YOU are the best MOM] vol.6

[YOU are the best MOM] vol.6

Sibling fights are a great opportunity for children to develop sociality!

If your think that your kids are playing with their brother and sister together, why not develop it and become a quarrel? As a parent, you want your kids to get along with their brother and sister.But, in fact, it is said that sibling quarrels for children are not as serious traumatic as parents think. It can be said that "the more they quarrel, the better they get along", and the quarrel between brothers and sisters is also a great opportunity for children to acquire sociality. It is also a great merit of brother-sister quarrel that your kids can naturally acquire the basic communication skills necessary for living by learning patience, compromise, and unreasonableness that does not go as they want.

It is also necessary to enter arbitration at first so that you can convey feelings that you can not convey

Even if you know that the benefits are great, parents want to stop saying "Stop!" When the siblings quarrel begins. So how should parents deal with it?The cause of the brother-sister quarrel is mostly trivial. It's difficult for parents to observe the whole story of a quarrel, and it's not good to unilaterally conclude that "who is wrong" even though you don't know much about how the quarrel happened. However, when the brother-sister quarrel broke out, the children came to insist on their parents, saying, "◯◯ hit!" And "◯◯ picked up the toys!". What should I do in such a case? "When a child comes to tell you, don't ignore it or treat it indifferently, but first sympathize with each statement," That's right. "And," ◯◯ (sister) thinks like this. Let's let moms intervene and ask questions so that they can communicate each other's feelings, such as "What do you think about ◯◯ (brother)?"

Conflicts are reduced when "negotiate ways to convince each other and know how to solve problems"

Let the children take care of the solution after communicating their feelings. Rock-paper-scissors, lottery, etc. can be anything as long as they agree with each other. You may lose interest in toys during the discussion and the quarrel may suddenly end. Conflicts are a great place to learn relationships and negotiations. Anyway, encourage them to make a decision through discussion. If we can solve the problem ourselves, the conflict will decrease.Let's face the children positively, thinking that we can improve the children's problem-solving ability and negotiation ability without being too pessimistic about the days of repeated quarrels between brothers and sisters!


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