Home Alone?!

When can a child be alone house sitting? Precautions and safety measures

While raising a child, you may have to leave only the child at home. There are many moms who are anxious and worried. There are also many crimes targeting children. In the first place, you can't just leave your child at home since you were too young.Then, how old can a child be alone house sitting? In addition, we will also introduce safety measures when you have no choice but to have your child answer the phone.

When your child's house sitting age begins?

There is no law or definition that a child's house sitting is safe from when, and depending on the child, it can be done even in the first grade of elementary school, and there are cases where troubles occur even in the upper grades, so it is not the age of the child, but the personality of the child. It is important to decide in the situation where you want to have them house sitting.It depends on whether you can keep your promises and rules and not, and whether you can call or ask your neighbors for help depending on the situation. Whether or not you can do things around you, and whether or not you can understand the situation and dangers are also criteria.

It can be a felony to have a child house sitting in the United States

It is not a good behavior for parents to take care of their children when they are left alone. If you leave your child house sitting for a long time on a daily basis, you may be accused of neglect. In the United States, even a single day of house sitting can be guilty. Why is it so strict about house sitting? This is because having a child alone in the United States is considered a neglect abuse. In addition to answering at home, it is also NG to be alone in the car for even one minute, for example.

Safety measures when leaving a child at home

I think that in some countries it is expected that school closures will be prolonged due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection. When that happens, I think that some households will have no choice but to leave their children alone.

Be careful when visiting

When it comes to dealing with visitors, it is important for the family to set rules such as "I will not respond even if someone comes" and "I will never open the door".

Be careful in the kitchen

The kitchen is full of danger. It is dangerous for children to handle the fire alone, so please prepare a lunch box that does not need to be cooked for lunch.

Be careful in the living room

It's also important to keep heavy furniture in your living room or children's room to prevent your chest or TV from tipping over! Irons (clothes iron) and lighters (cigarette lighters) are dangerous, so be careful not to use them, and make a promise about playing while you are away!

Be careful with bathing

Make sure you don't take a bath alone, and drain the bathtub. Drum-type washing machines can allow children to enter, so use a child lock. And be sure to keep detergents and waxes out of reach!

Be careful other than that

Other than that, unexpected troubles may occur. It is also important to discuss with your child on a regular basis and put up a piece of paper that summarizes the countermeasures for that time.

Children's house sitting are full of danger! Let's teach them about house sitting!

I think it is necessary to discuss with the child in case the child has no choice but to leave the house. The most important thing to be able to be house sitting is to firmly teach the rules and purposes of house sitting. The timing of house sitting should be from the time when the child seems to have a solid understanding of house sitting.


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