Learning Abacus

Benefits and timing of having children learn abacus

Isn't it a lesson to be worried about when a child grows up? I think there are various ways to choose, such as learning lessons that I thought "I'm glad I learned" when I was a kid, or learning to broaden the range of things I can do in the future.This time, we would like to introduce "Abacus", which is said to have the effect of strengthening the brain among many lessons and is attracting attention all over the world. I will explain the merits other than improving the understanding of numbers and the time to learn them.

Effects and benefits of having children learn abacus

What are the benefits and benefits of a child starting an abacus as a lesson?

Increased concentration

Children who learn the abacus will be more focused because they will concentrate on the calculations. It is a characteristic of children that they are not good at sitting still, distracted from their surroundings, and get bored quickly, but they will acquire the ability to concentrate on one thing through the abacus. ..

No resistance to mathematics

It is said that when you learn abacus, the abacus will come to your mind and you will be able to calculate and mental arithmetic. Besides that, since the ball is treated like a game and calculated, the resistance to numbers is lost and you may be looking forward to the math time. Being able to do what your child is good at is important for self-affirmation and self-confidence.

When do you want your child to learn the abacus?

There are various opinions about when to make children learn abacus, but many people start it when they enter elementary school in order to get the effect of "becoming fond of math."Generally, there is an opinion that "the sooner the better," but it doesn't make much sense to start the abacus when you can't read the numbers for 2 and 3 years old. Therefore, it is best to go to the abacus class only after you can read the numbers.On the other hand, if the timing is late, you may already have a weakness in math, or you may have a habit of calculating without using an abacus. Is ideal.

Abacus has many benefits

What do you think. There are many benefits to abacus as a child's lesson. Many people want to learn abacus even in the present age when personal computers and smartphones have become commonplace, `probably because the concentration and calculation power that they acquire by learning abacus is wonderful. When considering your child's lessons, why not consider the abacus as a candidate?


Overcoming Weaknesses [YOU are the best MOM] vol.17


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